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Center for Civil Communications

Index of Rationality 10

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Index of Rationality 10

Index of Rationality no.10 is developed for the following types of goods and services:

  • school desks;
  • automobile tires;
  • crushed stone for road maintenance;
  • expert supervision of construction works; and
  • nitrous oxide N2O for medical use.

Development of the Index of Rationality for these types of goods and services includes national and local institutions that have organized public procurements for these types of goods or services in the course of 2013.

Initially, the Index of Rationality targeted 72 institutions on national and local level, but due to objective and subjective reasons, it relies only on data related to prices of goods and services paid by a total of 43 institutions.


Index of Rationality 9

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The Index of Rationality no.9 is developed for the following five types of products, i.e. services:

  • maintenance of elevators;
  • printing of bill forms;
  • RTG X-ray films;
  • cow’s milk cheese; and
  • GPS devices.

The Index of Rationality for these types of products and services was developed by targeting national and local institutions that have procured these products or services in the first half of 2013.

Initially, a total of 53 national and local contracting authorities were addressed with FOI applications inquiring about prices attained for procurement of given products or services. However, due to objective or subjective reasons, as indicated throughout the analysis, in the end the Index was developed on the basis of price information provided by 39 institutions.


Index of Rationality 8

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The eighth Index of Rationality is developed for the following five types of products, i.e., services:

  • work clothing;
  • work shoes;
  • urban equipment – benches;
  • toner cartridges; and
  • disinfection, disinsection, and deratization services.

This Index of Rationality was developed by targeting national and local level institutions that have procured these products or services in the course of 2012 and the first two months of 2013.


Index of Rationality 7

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The seventh Index of Rationality is developed for the following five types of products, i.e., services:

  • hygiene maintenance;
  • defibrillators;
  • beefsteak;
  • PVC windows; and
  • work shoes – clogs.

The development of the Index of Rationality for the said products and services included 52 institutions at national and local level which procured such products or services within the first eight months of 2012. Solely the data collection range for the procurement of PVC windows was expanded and included 2011.