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Center for Civil Communications

Index of Rationality 17

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The Index of Rationality no. 17 is developed for the following five types of products and services:

  • summer work clothing;
  • winter work clothing;
  • work shoes - clogs;
  • hygiene maintenance of indoor work premises; and
  • infusion kits.

Development of the present index of rationality includes national and local institutions that have organized public procurements for these types of goods and services in the course of 2016 and 2017.
Development of this index included data for all 48 institutions on national and local level that have organized total of 53 tender procedures for procurement of indicated goods and services.


Index of Rationality 16

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Index of Rationality no. 16 is developed for new group of goods and services, as follows:

  • electricity;
  • carwash services;
  • written translation;
  • commission rates charged by agencies for temporary employment; and
  • installation of behaton paving elements.

Development of this Index of Rationality includes national and local institutions that have organized public procurements for these types of goods and services in the course of 2015 and 2016.
Initially, the Index of Rationality included 48 institutions on national and local level that have organized a total of 55 tender procedures for procurement of above-enlisted goods and services.