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Center for Civil Communications

Policy paper: (Non)performance of the system for prevention of corruption in public procurements in Macedonia

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Tender procedures, a term popularly used for public procurement, are yet another area prone to corruption. For these reasons, Macedonia - as many other countries – has established a multitude of system institutions and has assigned them a particular role in the fight against corruption in public procurement, at least according to regulations and laws in effect. As is the case in to many other areas, the system in place has grossly underperformed. The document analyzes the role of each of the involved institutions in the system and proposes measures for more effective fight against corruption in public procurement.


Low Transparency of State-Owned Enterprises

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Skopje, 30.01.2019 – The Center for Civil Communications published its research report titled “Transparency and Accountability of State-Owned Enterprises”.

Key findings presented in this report include:

  • The average level of transparency and accountability demonstrated by state-owned enterprises, i.e. their compliance with law-stipulated obligations and standards on good practice, accounts for only 28% from possible 100%.
  • Not a single one from the 30 biggest state-owned enterprises, whose total annual revenue exceeds 700 million euros, has achieved high or solid level of transparency (compliance with law-stipulated obligation above 60%).
  • Conditions are fulfilled for dismissal of 18 general directors at public enterprises, of which 6 are established by the government and 12 are established by local governments, on the grounds of non-publication of their respective operation reports.
  • The average level of transparency among enterprises established by the government is 31%, while among enterprises established by municipalities it stands at 27%.
  • Top position on the rank list is held by PE State Roads, which demonstrated the highest level of compliance with law-stipulated obligation with a score of only 52%, while the bottom position, with a score of 0%, is held by JSC City Trade Centre.
  • Almost half of enterprises have not even published the names of members of their governing and supervisory boards. Not a single enterprise established by the government or by municipalities published information from sessions held by their governing boards.
  • The obligation for mandatory publication of plans on public procurements with all amendments thereto was not complied by as many as 67% of enterprises.

This research study is available on opendata.mk. For more information, please contact the Center for Civil Communications (e-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it or tel: (02) 3213-513) This research was conducted as part of the project “Enhance Integrity and Reduce Corruption in State and Private Business Sector”, financed by the European Union.


Бриф за главните карактеристики на јавните набавки во Македонија

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