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Center for Civil Communications

Index of Rationality 19

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The Index of Rationality no.19 is developed for the following types of products:

  • - air purifiers;
  • - laptops; and
  • - industrial salt.

Development of individual indices for these products covered a total of 21 national and local institutions that have organized public procurements for these types of goods in the course of 2020 and 2021. For the purpose of obtaining information related to prices of analysed goods and services, FOI requests were sent to all contracting authorities whose public procurements were recorded in the Electronic Public Procurement System. The idea behind the index of rationality for these three types of products is to detect possible differences in price and to help contracting authorities learn about price variations thereof that would allow them to work on improving rationality of their public spending in the future.


Index of Rationality 18

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The Index of Rationality no.18 is developed for the following three types of products:

  • school interactive boards;
  • pellets with minimum heating capacity of 4.6 kwh/kg and pellets with heating capacity of 4.9 to 5.3 kwh/kg; and
  • print paper.

Development of individual indices for these products covered a total of 36 national and local institutions that have organized public procurements for these types of goods in the second half of 2021. For the purpose of obtaining information related to prices of analysed goods and services, as well as their technical characteristics, FOI requests were sent to all contracting authorities whose public procurements are recorded in the Electronic Public Procurement  System. The idea behind the index of rationality for these three types of products is to detect possible differences in price and to help contracting authorities learn about price variations thereof that would allow them to work on improving rationality of their public spending in the future.


Monitoring on public procurement report 37 (July-December 2021)

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Today, September 21, 2022, the Center for Civil Communications (CCC) published the Report from the regular monitoring of public procurement carried out in the period from July to December 2021, which also includes findings from the survey of companies about their experience in participating in the procedures for public procurement, analysis of the procedures before the State Commission for Public Procurement Complaints for 2021 and research of the contracting authorities on their personnel capacities for public procurement.



Policy brief

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Public procurement and organization of competitive procedures under crisis conditions

This policy brief aims to provide a summary of experiences and to propose possible solutions aimed at improving the legislation and practices related to public procurement under crisis circumstances. On one side, the system should be sufficiently flexible to adjust to any contingencies that might arise during a crisis, but on the other hand, it should ensure maximum level of lawfulness, transparency and accountability, thereby reducing possibilities for abuses.