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Center for Civil Communications - Implemented projects

Implemented projects


Improving the journalistic skills for investigating and reporting on corruption (2007)

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In fact, this project meant implementing the individual action plans of the representatives of the Center, who devised them during the training for improving the capacity for fighting against corruption, conducted by international experts of Crown Agents. Within the project, the Center trained a group of 8 journalists from leading local media for investigating and reporting on corruption, who then came up with their own investigative stories based on what they had learned and on the individual action plans completed in the course of the training. As a result of the project, CCC published the Manual for Journalists for Investigating and Reporting on Corruption, which it distributed among about 200 journalists from all media in the country. The project was supported by the program World Learning and USAID Macedonia.


Investigative reports on corruption in the Republic of Macedonia (2005-2006)

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The project encompassed in-depth investigations on corruption in several most vulnerable areas: public procurements, the composition of the management committees of public enterprises, providing services from the public administration, construction, education, and health care. The results from the investigation were published in analytical reports regarding the level, forms, and generators of corruption. The reports received wide coverage by the Macedonian media, with a total of 108 journalistic reports. Instigated by the reports, governmental representatives announced decreasing bureaucratic procedures, legal protection of the students who reported corruption, a more vigorous fight against the construction mafia, while the findings in the report on corruption in the health care was used as evidence that corruption is the first and foremost problem that has to be solved in the health care.