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Center for Civil Communications - Key risks from corruption in public procurements at local level and recommendations for overcoming them

Key risks from corruption in public procurements at local level and recommendations for overcoming them

on .

The goal of this document for public policies is to summarize the key risks from corruption and the recommendations for overcoming them that have been determined by monitoring the public procurements of municipality and local public companies which was conducted on the base of a unified methodology by 8 non-governmental organisations in 8 municipalities in the country: Bitola, Kichevo, Kumanovo, Negotino, Strumica, Tetovo, Chair and Shtip.

The separate reports with the key risks from corruption for each municipality and local public companies have already been published and are also available on the web page of the Center for Civil Communications https://www.ccc.org.mk/.

The public policy document is prepared as part of the project “Protection against Corruption” whose goal is to reduce corruption and abuse of public funds at the local self-government level through increasing the transparency, accountability and integrity of the local institutions and the implementation of the measures foreseen in the National Strategy for Prevention of Corruption and Conflict of Interests 2021-2025.