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Center for Civil Communications - Research on the (non)application of green public procurement in North Macedonia

Research on the (non)application of green public procurement in North Macedonia

on .

Today, December 22, 2022, the Center for Civil Communications (CCC) published the Report of the research on public procurement related to environmental protection to detect the risks of corruption and the Document with recommendations to encourage implementation of "green" public procurement and prevent corruption in the process.

Key findings from the research include:

- There are almost no green or sustainable public procurements in the country, although the Law on Public Procurements enables and encourages them.


- The public institutions do not even comply with the small number of Government recommendations and conclusions aimed at implementing measures that should ensure positive environmental effects through public procurement.

- Although in December 2019 the Government decided on the procurement of drinking water in glass bottles, 90% of drinking water is still procured in plastic bottles, in total annual value of half a million euros.

- Although it is an obligation, the institutions do not request from bidders evidence that they take measures for the waste generated by the products they sell.

- Despite the Government's decision for procurement of "ecological vehicles”, 94% of the purchased vehicles on an annual level run on diesel or petrol.

- Ecological characteristics or eco-labels for products are not requested as criteria for selection of the most favorable bid even for the procurement of products that directly pollute the environment such as cleaning agents, toners, printers, etc.

- “Green aspects” in procurement are absent from the beginning of the procedures – the planning of the procurement, through the description of the products and the selection criteria – until the execution of the contracts.

- In tenders related to environmental protection there are an average of 2 bids per tender, which is lower than in other tenders in the country.

- The right to discretionary proceedings related to the use of eco-labels in public procurements, implementation of environmental protection standards and enforcement of the Government’s recommendations provides fertile ground for external influences and, accordingly, for corruption.

- The country should urgently adopt a green public procurement policy that will be mandatory for implementation by all state institutions.

This report is developed as part of the project “Adapting to Climate Change by Preventing Corruption in Public Procurements” implemented by the Center for Civil Communications and the Platform of Civil Society Organizations for Fight against Corruption, and financially supported by the Foundation Open Society – Macedonia.