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Center for Civil Communications - State institutions bought 142 new vehicles for which they paid 3.6 million euros during the pandemic 2020 and 2021

State institutions bought 142 new vehicles for which they paid 3.6 million euros during the pandemic 2020 and 2021

on .

Today, March 16, 2022, the Center for Civil Communications (CCC) published the survey and database of new passenger vehicles purchased by state institutions during the crisis period from March 2020 onwards.
The research shows that 142 new passenger vehicles were purchased for 3,6 million euros. Vehicles were purchased by 42 state institutions.
The most passenger vehicles were purchased by the Government Service for General and Common Affairs of the Government, which replaced the previous Passats with 45 new Skoda Superb Ambition.
When it comes to the competition in the tenders for the procurement of new vehicles, it continues to decrease, that is, even in 83% of the tenders there was only one offer.
More than 40% of the purchased new vehicles are more expensive than 30 thousand euros.
The three most expensively paid vehicles are "Skoda Superb FL" at 47 thousand euros and "Mercedes C 180" at 44 thousand euros - both on the State Video Lottery, and in third place is the "Hyundai Sonada" of the Agency for Electronic Communications at a price of 43 thousand euros.
Among the brands of vehicles, it seems that the favorite brand of the officials is still Škoda, which leads the list with 60 vehicles, as in previous years. The long-standing second place of "Volkswagen" is taken over by "Fiat", which has purchased 25 vehicles, and in third place with 13 vehicles is now "Citroen".
Among the companies, the highest value of the contracts this time is "Porsche Leasing" with almost 2 million euros, "MI-DA Grand Motors" with almost 300 thousand euros and "Automobile-SK" with 274 thousand euros.
The analysis covers only passenger vehicles, not commercial ones, that is, cargo, transport and technical vehicles.