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Center for Civil Communications - Enhance Integrity and Reduce Corruption in State and Private Business Sector (2018-2021)

Enhance Integrity and Reduce Corruption in State and Private Business Sector (2018-2021)

on .

“Integrity and anti-corruption in business sector” is an action that will strengthen civil society’s impact on decreasing corruption in the business sector by improving transparency, accountability and integrity of state-owned enterprises and increasing private sector’s participation in the fight against corruption.


The action is expected to provide the following results:

  1. Identified generators of corruption, vulnerable areas and activities prone to corruption at state-owned enterprises;
  2. Developed tool/indicators on corruption risk assessment at state-owned enterprises;
  3. Recommendations for legislative changes and benchmarks on good practices to increase transparency, accountability and integrity of state-owned enterprises;
  4. Strengthened capacity for up to 150 private business representatives on preventing and combating corruption;
  5. Established support mechanism, as well as compliance and anti-corruption tools for the private business sector;
  6. Established core of advocacy CSOs which use research and monitoring to underpin their activities for decreasing corruption in the business sector and
  7. Established public-private dialogue platform in the fight against corruption.

The project is financed by the European Union and it has been implemented by the Center for Civil Communications from Skopje in partnership with Konekt and Association of Tax Advisers from Skopje, for the period of February 2018 to January 2021. The total budget is 374,891 EUR, while the EU contribution is 337,402 EUR. The project is part of the IPA Civil Society Facility and Media Programme 2016-2017.