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Center for Civil Communications - Monitoring of the media reporting on corruption in Macedonia

Monitoring of the media reporting on corruption in Macedonia

Center for Civil Communications presented the results of the monitoring of the media reporting on corruption in Macedonia on June 30, 2009. Representative of the CCC, German Filkov, presented the results of the monitoring and led discussions on with the most relevant representatives of the Macedonian media.

Besides presenting the results of the monitoring, the workshop with the editors helped to emerge common recommendations for improving the way in which media reports about this very serious problem, that will enhance their role in the fight against corruption in Macedonia.

The recommendations that emerged during the discussion were summarized together with the results of monitoring and published in a brochure.

Considering the scope and extent of monitored material, we can say that a most unique and indepth monitoring is carried out, for the way the media informes of corruption in this country.

Subject of monitoring were articles on corruption published by January 1 to December 31, 2008 in five daily newspapers (Dnevnik, Utrinski vesnik, Vreme, Vecer and Fakti).

The monitoring included articles related to corruption, corrupt practices, allegations and suspicions of corruption, misuse of public funds, anti-corruption measures, actions and policies.


This activity was supported from the Institute for Sustainable Communities (ISC) funds through the agency of the United States for International Development (USAID).