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Center for Civil Communications - Bulletin, Volume 3

Bulletin, Volume 3

on .


Starting from March 1 this year, every citizen of the European Union will be able to anonymously report any suspicion on fraud and corruption on Internet, through the new electronic system of the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).

The corruption in our region continues to be one of the greatest obstacles for better reputation of the countries and for higher influx of foreign investments. Croatia is still the role model of countering the corruption, and that the fight will continue was jointly announced by the new leaders, President Josipovic and Prime Minister Kosor. Under suspicion of involvement in the corruption scandal with the food giant “Podravka”, the police arrested the deputy prime minister, Davor Polancec. He is the highest ranking officers suspected of and arrested for corruption.

The main topic in this issue is the conflict of interest, which in its nature is not a corruption, but can definitely become one if it is not recognized, prevented and managed properly. The analysis provides specific solutions and examples for fighting against the conflict of interests.

In March, the European Union has published the Progress Reports for Romania and Bulgaria, where it openly and directly requested from the two countries to speed up the fight against corruption and organized crime. Bulgaria was warned of showing “weak results”, while Romania that “it failed to keep up the pace” in countering the criminal and corruption.

At the end of this edition of the newsletter, we analyze the introduction of electronic systems in providing governmental services via the Internet, a process aimed at reducing the corruption. However, this system must entail comprehensive reforms and not just copying part of the paper procedure and turning it into digital.

We truly believe that our offer will keep your attention and will contribute for raising the awareness of the negative consequences of corruption and the need for more intensive fight against it.

The third MAK issue can be found here