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Center for Civil Communications - 29 Report on Monitoring the Implementation of Public Procurement (January-June 2017)

29 Report on Monitoring the Implementation of Public Procurement (January-June 2017)

on .

Tender with absurd prices of 0,01 MKD
SKOPJE, December 04, 2017 - The Center for Civil Communications today published a report on the monitoring of public procurement conducted by the central level institutions for the period from January to June 2017.
Key findings from the monitoring of public procurement are:

  • As many as 35% of monitored tender procedures have rejected a
    number of bids as unacceptable. This additionally hinders competition
    in tender procedures.
  • In some tender procedures, e-auctions have resulted in attainment
    of such low prices that bring under question reality of tender
    procedures’ estimated value and quality of procurements.
  • ‘Lowest price’ defined as the single criterion on contract awarding
    leads to tender procedures which have attained absurd prices of 0.01
    MKD and 0.01 percent. Such market inconsequence increases the risk
    of possible manipulations in the course of tender implementation.
  • In the first half of 2017, the council of public procurements was
    addressed with 7,583 applications from contracting authorities, i.e.
    by 9% less applications compared to the same period last year. In that,
    the council invoiced contracting authorities for issuance of opinions/
    approvals in total amount of 806,172 EUR.
  • In the first half of 2017, the non-transparent negotiation procedure
    without prior announcement of call for bids was used to sign
    contracts in accumulative value of 7.4 Million EUR, which is by 12%
    higher compared to the same period last year.
  • Number and share of annulled tender procedures is increasing. In the
    first half of 2017, a total of 2,033 tender procedures were annulled
    (fully or in part), representing A share of 23.7% from the total number
    of procurement notices announced in the same period.
  • Total of 19 negative references for 17 companies were issued in the first half of 2017.

For more information, please contact the Center for Civil Communications at (02) 3213-513 or at This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it .