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Center for Civil Communications - Bulletin, Volume 2

Bulletin, Volume 2

on .


Corruption is a problem in the countries in our immediate surroundings. This issue provides a deeper insight in the situation in Kosovo. The anti-corruption agency in Kosovo has filed charges against 159 officers on suspicion of corruption. However, the international analysts assess that the corruption in Kosovo is still highly dominant and the fight against corruption has still not yielded any visible results.

We also provide a comprehensive analysis conducted by the Balkan Investigative Reporting Network, investigating the loopholes in the health institutions in Kosovo. A US researcher identifies the relation between the level of corruption in one country with the trust of the people in the institutions and other people. In China, however, due to the limited number of scientific and research work that can be published in the course of one year, a million dollar worth illegal business with these works has been discovered.

Anti-corruption expert Vanja Mihajlova is analyzing the cost and consequences of corruption on the economy. In addition, you have the exclusive opportunity to read the findings from the research, exploring the satisfaction of citizens, businessmen and representatives of the civil society organizations from the work of municipalities in Eastern Macedonia. Furthermore, the survey measures the degree of involvement of local community in the process of decision making in the municipalities. The findings will serve as a basis for developing recommendations on undertaking measures for overcoming the established weaknesses and promoting the work of local authorities. At the end, we offer an interesting medley of billboards used in the anti-corruption campaigns throughout the world. We hope that our offer will help each of us, in the domain of our work, to be able to apply the principles of good governance.

The second MAK issue can be found here